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  • Writer's pictureAstrid The Psychic Witch

Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire : Book Review

This is one of the recent popular books on witchcraft, that gained popularity through Instagram. This book doesn't hide its Instagram roots, as a lot of illustrations in the book are based on popular "witch tips info-graphics" style of the artwork and very bullet-point writing style.

Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire : Book Review
Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire : Book Review

Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire is well illustrated overview of various witchcraft techniques, that is not trying to go too deep but instead to give reader a few workable quick ideas that are easy to follow.

My favorite parts are where the author talks about more subtle forms of witchcraft for people who have to hide they interest in front of family or friends for various reasons. That is not often covered topic and some people may find it very useful. This book is very visual and "fast" in the way it presents the information, even-tough it doesn't go too much in depth, to explain why you do things the way you do them, how is it all connected and why it works the way it does - it offers quick, practical tips, to get the reader to try something magical, possibly for the first time in their life. The illustrations and visuals seems to be the prime focus, and they are indeed gorgeous.

In general I would say Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire would make a great gift for a starting witch or a teenager who is just starting to discover the magical world of witchcraft, because of its beginner friendly tone and colorful info-graphics style, as for whom this book is NOT I would say this is not a book for somebody looking for in-depth or step-be-step kick start of their witchcraft practice, as it doesn't explain the basic principles of manifestation, nor follows chronological order of practices from easier to more complex. I would say this book is for a very specific audience, which makes sense given its Instagram background, and it depends if that is something for you or not.

Astrid "The Psychic Witch"

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