Crystals are highly sought after for their healing and spiritual properties, but it is important to remember that not all crystals can be used safely with water. Many crystals are not safe to use with water due to their chemical makeup, which can cause a reaction when exposed to water. This can lead to dangerous and even toxic results.
If you're looking for a safe crystal to charge water with, it's a good idea to do some research beforehand to make sure that your chosen crystals is water safe. Some stones, like quartz crystals, are always a good choice, as they're water safe and versatile - in general, it can be charged with almost any intention. And a majority of the quartz family are water safe, such as smokey quartz, rose quartz, jasper, and citrine.
Crystals like Calcite, Selenite, and Hematite are particularly vulnerable to water damage. When these crystals come into contact with water, they can react by breaking down and releasing their chemical components. The resulting mix can be dangerous when ingested, as it may contain heavy metals, toxins, and other impurities.
Crystals like Amethyst, Sodalite, and Aquamarine can also be damaged by water. Although these crystals are not as vulnerable to chemical reactions as the aforementioned crystals, they can still become weakened and easily break when exposed to water. The same applies to certain types of crystals that contain water, such as Opal, Turquoise, and Moonstone.
Crystals such as Quartz, Citrine, and Jade can be safely used with water, but it is important to take caution when handling them.
These crystals are particularly sensitive to sudden temperature changes, and can crack or break when exposed to hot or cold water. It is always a good idea to wear protective gloves and keep the crystals away from direct contact with water.
Water-free methods of cleansing crystals
As for cleansing crystals, a lot of people will clean their crystals with running water, however, this is not an option with crystals that are not water safe. You can choose some of the alternative crystal cleansing methods, such as cleansing crystals with incense smoke, sun light, moon light, or the sound of a bell. These methods are just as effective for cleansing them as it would be to run them under water and it will keep your crystals safe.
Here is a short list of stones that are unsafe to submerge under water.
Note that this is not an entire list of the only ones that are water unsafe, and I would recommend to research the specific stones that you're planning to use, but these are some of the most common crystals that are not safe for putting in water.
Black Tourmaline
Selenite - This crystal will dissolve in water.
Lapis Lazuli
Desert Rose
Hematite - It may rust
Malachite - Really Toxic! Even when in contact with skin.
Pyrite - It may rust and can also release toxic sulfur
Any Crystals that contain copper, such as malachite.
Overall, crystals are powerful and beautiful tools that can be used to enhance our lives, but it is important to be aware of the crystals that are not safe to use with water. By following the above tips, you can ensure that you are using the crystals safely and responsibly.
Astrid "The Psychic Witch"
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