The moon has long been seen as a source of mysterious power, inspiring awe and reverence in cultures around the world. From the ancient Greeks to the modern day, the moon has been seen as a powerful source of energy, influence, and blessings. But did you know that you can use this power for your own benefit? This comprehensive guide will show you how to harness the power of the moon and use it to create and use moon water. You will learn about the spiritual and physical properties of moon water, how to make it, and the many ways it can be used for healing and spiritual growth and as an ingredient in spells. Get ready to connect with the power of the moon and make your own moon water!
What is Moon Water?

Moon water is a water infused with the power of the moon. The water is charged with lunar energy and acts as a potent magical elixir. It can be used for healing, protection, and other magical workings. Moon water is made from full (or new) moons, when the moon is at its most potent.
Full moons are associated with abundance and creativity.
New moons are associated with beginnings and new beginnings.
When the water is made during the full moon, it is charged with the energy of creation and manifestation. When the water is made during the new moon, it is charged with the energy of new chapters and removing of obstacles.
New moons are associated with new beginnings and can be used to help with intuition and psychic ability.
Spiritual Uses of Moon Water
Abundance: Full moon water charged with the energy of abundance and can be used to attract abundance in your life. It is a potent magical elixir that can be used to help manifest abundance in your life. New moons are also associated with abundance, but they are more focused on creating new beginnings.
Protection: Full moon water can be used to protect against negative influences, influences that are out to get you. It can be used to protect you from psychic attack or to protect your home during a ritual or spell. New moons can also be used for protection.
Growth: Full moon water is a potent elixir and can be used to help plants grow and seeds sprout. This is especially useful for gardeners as it can be used as a fertilizer. New moons can also help with growth and planting new seeds.
Spiritual Growth: Full moon water can help with spiritual growth, helping you set goals and work to achieve them. New moons are associated with new chapters and can be used to help with spiritual growth and setting goals.
Love Spells: Full moon water is associated with romance and passion. It can be used to help you attract a loved one or energize a relationship. New moons can be used to help with love and romance, helping to get past romantic roadblocks.
Healing: Full moon water has energetic healing vibes, helping to speed energetic healing and promote wellness. New moons are a good time for spells to promote healing and wellness.
Meditation and Focus: Full moon water is associated with creativity and inspiration. It can be used to help you meditate and focus on the now, helping you get out of your head and into your body. New moons can be used to help with meditation and focus, helping you set goals and clear your energy.
Intuition and Psychic Ability: Full moon water is associated with the energy of abundance and can be used to help you tap into your intuition and psychic abilities.
Spirituality: Full moon water is associated with creativity and inspiration and can be used to help you tap into your spirituality and higher self. New moons can be used to help with spirituality and tapping into your higher self.
Ritual Wands: Full moon water can be used to make ritual wands. New moons can be used to make new beginnings wands. Simple sprinkle your wand with the water with the intention of blessing.
Moon water can be used to cleanse and protect yourself, your home, and your belongings from negative energy or psychic attack. You can also use it in healing rituals or to protect yourself from bad luck. To do this, you can fill a container with moon water and use it to cleanse and protect yourself or your home.
How to Make Moon Water

You can make a moon water elixir in a few simple steps. Start with a bowl of water, preferably water that’s been sitting out for a few days, or water that’s been exposed to sunlight. If you’re using water that’s been exposed to sunlight, make sure it’s filtered and not just direct sunlight. Let the water sit and charge in the light of the full moon. If you want to use the water to make a full moon elixir, let it sit until the next day. If you want to make a new moons elixir, let the water sit in the sunlight until the next day, giving the energy of the new moon enough time to charge the water. Once the water has been charged by the light of the moon, you can use it to make moon water for magical purposes.
Moon water can be used as a powerful tool for divination and scrying, by focusing your intention on the water and allowing yourself to be open to any messages that come through. To do this, you can fill a bowl with moon water and meditate in front of it until images, symbols, or messages come to you.
Collecting Moon Water
There are a couple of rituals you can perform to collect moon water. You can collect dew from the grass on the night of the full moon to make a potent moon water elixir. You can also collect rainwater or water from a river on the night of the full moon. If you do collect water from the river, make sure it’s water from inland and not seawater. You don’t want to let the water sit out and collect impurities. Instead, collect it in a jar and then boil it in the jar.
Using Moon Water in Rituals

1. Charging Ritual Objects: Moon water is often used to charge ritual objects, such as crystals and talismans. Simply fill a bowl or other container with moon water and place the object inside. Leave it to soak overnight and then remove it the next day. As the object soaks in the moon water, it will absorb its energy and become more powerful.
2. Blessing Rituals: Moon water can also be used to bless rituals. To do this, pour some moon water into a bowl and wave your hands over it. Visualize the energy of the moon filling the water and then speak a blessing over it. You can then use the blessed water to bless any rituals or spells that you perform.
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Storing and Working with Moon Water
Once you’ve created your moon water, it’s important to store it correctly so it stays potent. Make sure you keep your moon water in a dark container, away from sunlight. You can store it in a canning jar or a bottle made of dark colored glass. Try to avoid using plastic bottles and jars as they can leach chemicals into your water. When you’re working with moon water, make sure you charge it before you use it.
Tap into the energy of the moon and visualize the water glowing with lunar energy.
Use a ritual to charge your water, or do it by simply visualizing the water glowing with lunar energy. You can also use a charm to charge the water. You can make your own charm or wear an already existing charm, like a pentagram or crystal.
The moon is a powerful source of energy and light. By harnessing the power of the moon, you can use the water charged by the moon’s light to enhance your own energy, health, and magic. Making and using moon water is a great way to connect with the energy of the moon and use its powerful light to your benefit.
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